Oak Grove in Eyke

Community Liaison Service for Denbury Homes’ new development

Denbury Homes has operated in East Anglia for almost 40 years, and we pride ourselves on exceptional design and high-quality finishes.

The Community Liaison Service is an essential element in helping us build positive relationships with the local community.

Welcome to the Community Liaison Service for Denbury Homes’ new development, Oak Grove in Eyke.

Oak Grove will be a development of 65 new homes consisting of two-, three-, four-, and five-bedroomed detached, semi-detached or terraced houses and bungalows.

The development includes 21 affordable rented, shared ownership and first homes.

The illustration shows the final masterplan for the site:

Project Timeline


Work on site starts February 2025


Sales Launch August 2025


Show home launch November 2025

Denbury Homes has appointed Athene Communications to manage all contact with residents through the Community Liaison Service. This will ensure that we can respond quickly and appropriately to any enquiries – we aim to do so within 3-5 working days.

We are required to inform you that your data (name and contact details, if provided) will be stored for the sole purpose of responding to your query.

Have a question? Please read through our FAQs below which may help you find the answer. If you’d like more information or if your question isn’t covered below, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Frequently Asked Questions

For any questions or concerns, please email or leave a message. Our community liaison manager will contact the site team and do their best to help you.

Email: eyke@denburyhomes-cls.co.uk

Freephone: 0808 1753623 – Please note that this is an answerphone service, which is checked regularly on weekdays.

Working hours for all noisy (audible beyond site boundary) construction activity as agreed with East Suffolk Council.

Monday – Friday: 0730-1800

Saturday: 0800-1300

Deliveries are regulated by the planning permission and are from 0730 (weekdays) and 0800 (Saturdays)

No noisy activities or deliveries will take place on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays.

These hours may be varied in exceptional instances subject to approval by East Suffolk Council and subject also to any restrictions or requirements that they may impose.

We understand the concerns that may arise around building homes.

Dust management measures and arrangements for monitoring noise and vibrations will be implemented once work on site commences. Please see the following questions to understand more about these specific measures.

If you do have concerns, please email us at eyke@denburyhomes-cls.co.uk or leave us a message by calling 0808 1753623.

There may be more vehicles using the road during the construction period, however, we will do all we can to keep disruption to a minimum.

All contractors are issued with clear access routes, however, if you do become aware of site vehicles not following this instruction, please let us know as many details as possible (e.g. the vehicle registration, time/date). Please email us on eyke@denburyhomes-cls.co.uk or leave us a message by calling 0808 1753623.

Dust is a common cause for concern during construction, we have several policies and other measures in place to keep dust levels down. These include:

– Speed limits lowered from 6 mph to 4 mph for all vehicles travelling over unmade ground to minimise the likelihood of dust creation

– Dust sweeping activities

– Dampening down during periods of dry weather

– Adequate ventilation, Water Suppression System or Local Ventilation Systems (vacuum systems) used on-site

– Regularly cleaning the estate road/site entrance

– Pressure washer by car parking area provided to clean dirt and debris from vehicles before exiting site

– Regular clearing of mud

– Forklift sweeper attachment to clean estate road and ensure mud is not transferred onto the highway

– Mobile mechanical road sweeper

Although we are intent on keeping disruption to a minimum, construction will unavoidably cause some noise. Workforce and resident safety are of the utmost importance to us and some noise is necessary to ensure the protection of everyone on the site.

Contractors will, however, ensure the best practicable steps are taken to reduce noise levels and ensure compliance with statutory legislation. This includes:

– Control of working hours

– Control of delivery areas and times

– Careful choice of compound location

– Physically screening site

– Specification of speed limits

– Noise monitoring to check compliance

– Careful operation of machinery and use of tools

Machinery will be used considerately, with a restricted number being used at the same time, reduced speed of movement and the avoidance of using particularly noisy machines early in the morning. HGV and site vehicles are equipped with non-tonal reversing alarms.

If you have any concerns about noise outside our stated working hours, please email us at eyke@denburyhomes-cls.co.uk or leave us a message on 0808 1753623.

As part of the planning and technical design process, we have undertaken a detailed flood risk assessment approved by the relevant bodies. The Lead Local Flood Authority has been consulted to ensure that the development does not have a detrimental impact on the current infrastructure and risks of flooding have been addressed. The surface water drainage system has been inspected and built so that it functions in accordance with the approved designs and drawings.

All new homes at Oak Grove will be fitted with air source heat pumps where possible and with electric vehicle charging points. We use enhanced ground floor, wall and roof insulation to ensure our homes are energy efficient. Our doors and windows also achieve high ratings. Our homes regularly receive an EPC rating of B, only four percent of older properties attain this or a higher rating.

We work closely with experts in ecology who help us identify the most appropriate plant species to use in our landscaping. At the development in Eyke we will undertake an extensive planting scheme. The site includes areas of public open space, these will be landscaped to include areas for longer grasses to grow and a carefully chosen mix of wildflower seeds to be sown.

Our developments include features such as swift bricks, bee bricks and other measures to encourage biodiversity – such as leaving a gap under our fencing for hedgehogs to access.

The development will secure almost £1.4m in Community Infrastructure Levy payments from Denbury Homes to help the District Council, County Council and Parish Council deliver infrastructure projects. In addition, Denbury Homes is providing bus stop improvements and paying over £100,000 for school transport provision and nature conservation works.

The scheme also includes significant areas of public open space, a dog walking route and a fully equipped play area along with extensive tree planting.

The development also provides an extension to the site of Eyke Primary School and a new community carpark.

First Homes is a government initiative and an affordable way for first time buyers to get on to the property ladder. A First Homes property is effectively a discounted market home. They are available to first time buyers who have a total household income of less than £80,000 per annum. Other criteria apply nationally, and local authorities also stipulate their own requirements – such as requiring the buyer to have a connection to the village or local area. For information about eligibility for the First Home properties at Eyke please contact our sales team via https://www.denburyhomes.co.uk/developments/.

If you are interested in purchasing a new home, please register your interest via our website at: https://www.denburyhomes.co.uk/developments/